Enquiry online In order to find out whether your planned transport is feasible and what costs you incur, we require some information from you beforehand. Please complete the following form. We will contact you as soon as possible. Customer Company / Name: Street: ZIP-Code: City: Country: AANDBBGBIHBYCGCHDDKEESTFFINFLGBGEGRHHRIIRLLLTLVMMAMCMKNNLPPLRORSMRUSSSRBSKSLOTRUAYU Contact Person: E-Mail: Phone: Fax: Sender Sender = Customer: ja If the sender and the customer are identical, you do not have to enter the address data again. Country AANDBBGBIHBYCGCHDDKEESTFFINFLGBGEGRHHRIIRLLLTLVMMAMCMKNNLPPLRORSMRUSSSRBSKSLOTRUAYU Company / Name: Street: ZIP-Code: City: Load time Please inform us, within which time the goods can be loaded: Option: – Bitte auswählen –abbisfixdirekt Load date: Load time from: Load time till: Recipient Recipient = Customer: ja If the recipient and the customer are identical, you do not have to enter the address data again. Country: AANDBBGBIHBYCGCHDDKEESTFFINFLGBGEGRHHRIIRLLLTLVMMAMCMKNNLPPLRORSMRUSSSRBSKSLOTRUAYU Company / Name: Street: ZIP-Code: City: Unloading time Please inform us, within which time the discharge can be carried out at the destination. Option: – Bitte auswählen –abbisfixdirekt Unloading date: Unloading time from: Unloading time till: Shipment data Number: packaging: please chooseEURO/SEWPColliGiBoCartonsCratesPacketPalletsCoils Contents: Dimensions in cm: Weight: Vehicle type: CaddyTransporterTransporter PlaneTransporter HBBLKW 7,5tLKW 12tLKW 15tLKW mit AnhängerLKW 40tLKW 40t MegaLKW 40t KofferLKW 40t Mega-KofferThermotransporterThermo-LKW 12tThermo-LKW 40tFahrzeugtransportBitte Rücksprache Particularities Lifting platform required: neinja Crane loading: neinja Truck: neinja Planing vehicle: neinja Vehicle sealed: neinja dangerous goods: neinja Other Information Further remarks [recaptcha theme:dark ] Δ You need to enable Javascript for the anti-spam check.